Tetsuji Toyoda(Bass/Vocal /Mermaid Mountain) Changchang((Guitar/Vocal/Melting Eye Spectacle) Aoi Hama(Drums/Vocal/Cat Tongue Queen) Kohei Katsuma(Conga/God Dog Family)
member:chang chang(Gu.Vo.) / Aoi Hama(Dr.Cho.)(2019年~) / Tetsuji Toyoda(Ba.Cho.)(2020~)Kohei Katsuma(Conga)(2024~)
former member:821(Ba.Cho.),Ryu Matsumoto(Dr.)
神戸/大阪を中心に精力的にライブ活動を行う。ホームは神戸Helluva Lounge&緑橋戦国大統領。
Formed in 2012.
Vigorous live performances mainly in Kobe/Osaka. Home is Kobe Helluva Lounge.
The band's musicality is based on hard psychedelic rock and progressive rock from the late 60s and early 70s, incorporating ethnic elements, drones and many other psychedelic elements, and thoroughly pursuing a psychedelic groove.
【Release information】
・1st『Freak Out Orgasm!』(Riot Season,UK)(2017年)
・2nd『Turn On, Tune In, Freak Out!』(Riot Season,UK)(2019年)
・3rd『Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye』(Riot Season,UK)(2023年)
3枚全てのアルバムプロデュースはメンバー全員が敬愛するAcid Mothers Templeの河端一。
All three albums were produced by Kawabata Makoto of Acid Mothers Temple, whom all members admire.
Kawabata describes the band as 'the newest of the next generation of psychedelic rock bands'.
【Artist collaboration】
・3rd 『Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye』ではGuest Musicianとして河端一によるGuitar参加が実現。
・3rd『Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye』では音源・ライヴともにパーカッショニストKohei Katsuma(Congueiro)がゲスト参加をするなど、新機軸を展開している。
・The artwork for the three albums was created by the lighting team liquidbiupil, who were also invited to participate in the release parties and live acts in various locations.
・The third album "Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye" featured the participation of Hajime Kawabata on guitar as a guest musician.
・The band's third album, Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye, features a new twist, with percussionist Kohei Katsuma (Congueiro) guesting on both the soundtrack and live performances.
HIBUSHIBIRE 'Trepanation Breakdown' (Promo Video 2017)
秘部痺れ HIBUSHIBIRE 'Blow! Blow! Blow!' (2019 Album Teaser)
HIBUSHIBIRE 'Orangesunshine Of Your Lovemachine' (2023)
HIBUSHIBIRE 'We Won't Go Back To The Past' (2023)
【Overseas tours】
・『Freak Out Orgasm!UK TOUR』(2018年)
・『Turn On,Tune In,freak out! UK TOUR』RAW POWERfestival The Dome(2019年)
・『Turn On,Tune In,freak out! TAIWAN TOUR』(2019年)
【自主制作ライブ音源作品「Official Live Bootleg」シリーズ】
【Official Live Bootleg" series of self-produced live sound works.】
・Official Live Bootleg vol,1 Live at Helluva Lounge,KOBE(2017)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,2 Live at Helluva Lounge,KOBE(2017)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,3 Live at CLUB QUATTRO,HIROSHIMA&Sengoku Daitoryo,OSAKA(2018)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,4 Live at The Eagle Inn,Manchester,UK(2018)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,5 Live at SENGOKU-DAITORYO,OSAKA(2019)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,6 live at J.T. Soar,Nottingham,UK(2021)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,7 Live at Nakano Moonstep,TOKYO(2021)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,8 Live at Helluva Lounge,KOBE solo-headlining show (2022)
・Official Live Bootleg vol,9 Live at HUCK FINN,NAGOYA/ROMANYA,TAIPEI/Chat Noir,YOKOHAMA(2023)
【Album Review】
・1st『Freak Out Orgasm!』
・2nd『Turn On, Tune In, Freak Out!』
・3rd『Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye』